Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Visiting CrossFitter from New Mexico

Aaron and Danny joined us for a workout last Saturday morning. Aaron is currently serving in the United States Air Force as a Special Ops trainee. Aaron brought along one of his brothers. Danny, who is presently serving in the National Guard, is slated for his first tour in Iraq in a few weeks.

They completed our WOD with incredible times. We look forward to them visiting us again soon.

Staci, Aaron, Bill and Danny, Crossfit Cleveland 12/22/07

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our first evening workout 12/04/07

We held our first indoor evening workout this past Tuesday. Staci, Katie, Nancy, Sean, Troy, Paul and I did four rounds of 25 ring pushups, box jumps, KB swings and Abmat situps. Katie finished first!

Here's a link to pictures of our very first indoor workout last month, before we had all of our light and flooring!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New video from the 09/22/07 workout

Click twice on the arrow in the clip below.

You'll see a few of our people telling us how they feel about CrossFit!

New video from the 09/08/07 workout

Click twice on the arrow in the clip below.

New video from the 09/01/07 workout

Click twice on the arrow in the clip below.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Last Saturday's Group

Click here to view all pictures as a slide show. I'll have the videos posted soon!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New video from the 08/04/07 workout

Click twice on the arrow.

You can see all of our videos on youtube by clicking here!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Video from 07/07/07 CrossFit Workout

Pics from CrossFit Workout 06/30/07

Happy 40th B-Day to Staci. She got to stay home this morning, she earned the day off!!!!

This pic taken just seconds before Jim almost dropped the bumper plate on my dog's head!

Video from 06/23/07 CrossFit Workout

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saturday 06/16/07 Outdoor Workout

Here are a few pictures and a video from Saturday's workout!

Check your speaker volume, sounds starts after the first few slides. If you have trouble viewing the video, you can go directly to Youtube by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Saturday 06/09/07 Outdoor Workout

Sound starts after about 40 seconds, turn your volume down!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hooverball 6/3/07 & Outdoor Workout 6/2/07

Hooverball is like playing volleyball, throwing and catching a 3 or 4 pound medicine ball. It's a great total body workout, and it's fun. Check it out!

You'll see our new mascot Jessie at the end of the video.

Here a picure of the group that turned out Saturday in the Metroparks.

Jason, Eric, Mike, Paul, Jim, Bill, Troy, Nancy, Mike and Jane. Staci on camera detail!

Bill had to do weighted pushups because he forgot to take pictures of everyone during the workout!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Saturday 05/26

Saturday's workout consisted of

Medicine Ball squat toss (Wall ball Shots)
Dumbbell swings
Box Jumps
Dumbell Push Presses

With the clock running, perform each exercise for 1 minute, switching to the next with no rest until all 5 are completed, then rest 1 minute. That is 1 round. Everyone did 3 rounds and counted the total number of reps of each exercise. We'll do this again next month and track improvement.

Our ice cream eating spectators were back again, see below!

Click on picture to view larger image
The rain didn't keep us away

Jim and Mike

Jane and Nancy

Jim, Mike and Paul

Lauren and Janae

They'll join in next week!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Weekend Workouts

Sunday Hooverball - click on any picture to see a larger image.

We had one rule "don't kill my sister"

Saturday morning in the Metroparks.