I live in Lakewood with three gorgeous ladies- my wife Stacy and our daughters Elizabeth and Molly- and our Golden Retriever Murphy.
I’m a Sales Rep for Paychex Inc.’s Major Market Services, and I’m pursuing my MBA at Cleveland State.
I love fishing, especially Bass fishing. I even joined a BASS league a couple summers ago, but got my butt kicked in most of the tournaments- sort of like I do at CrossFit- but I learned a lot and hope to spend more time fishing in tournaments when I’m done with school, can afford a boat and the kids move out… maybe in 2030?
In the mean time my guilty pleasures include singing off key in my car- really loudly- and CrossFit. Before the baby wakes up, and before the toddler runs downstairs to harass the dog… and before the nonsensical work e-mails and calls start pouring in there’s a quiet peace I have at 4:30 AM when I arise for my daily beat-down courtesy of Paul and Nancy. The Workout of the Day definitely gets my day off to a great start, and I’ve noticed increased energy throughout the day since joining this summer. Of course that’s in addition to the massive strength I now possess. I hear people at work whispering when they see how many reams of paper I can carry to the copier at once. Occasionally, for show, I’ll even do a R.O.P. OHS for them.
In all seriousness, I love this place! I can’t wait to do my first muscle up in ’09! That’s a direct challenge to Trevor.